شعبهی حزب اتّحاد و ترقّی، و کومیتهی اتّحاد اسلام در تبریز، ١٩٢٢-١٩٢٣
مئهران باهارلی
در این نوشته متن چند گزارش «بسیار محرمانه» تهیه شده برای «کومیتهی بین ادارهای کابینهی جنگ دولت بریتانیا» در سالهای ١٩٢٢-١٩٢٣ را آوردهام. این کومیته در اواخر جنگ جهانی اول برای پیش بردن یک سیاست منسجم در خاورمیانه تشکیل شده بود[1]. در این گزارشات اطلاعات جالبی در بارهی فعالیتها و تشکیلات تورکوفیل در دو فورم طرفداری از تورکیه و اتحاد تورک – پانتورانی، همچنین اتحاد اسلامی در ایران و تبریز به سالهای ١٩٢٢-١٩٢٣ داده شده است. از جمله تاسیس یک شعبهی بومی حزب اتحاد و ترقی در تبریز، تشکیل یک کومیتهی اتحاد اسلام با شرکت مقامات نظامی قاجاری و روحانیون و شخصیتهای تورک بومی و تورکیه در تبریز، وجود یک تشکیلات کمالیست در تهران، ....
خطوط کلی این گزارشات سری:
١-در سالهای ١٩٢٢-١٩٢٣ فعالیتهای تورکگرا در دو فورم طرفداری از تورکیه و فعالیتهای اتحاد تورک، پانتورانیسم؛ و نیز اتحاد اسلام در ایران، تورکستان، عراق و .... با شدت تمام در جریان بود.
٢-مقامات تورکیهی وقت به رهبری غازی مصطفی کمال پاشا، سفرا و کونسولها و افسران و مبلغین و آژیتاتورهای تورکیهای، درگیر این فعالیتها بودند (در این گزارشات از جمله: سفیر تورکیه که از او به عنوان یک مقام غیر رسمی اتحاد اسلام در رشت جائی که یک سخنرانی بر له اتحاد اسلام و ضد انگلیس انجام داد استقبال شد؛ منشی او و کونسول جدید تورکیه در مشهد که طرفدار اتحاد اسلام بودند؛ کولونل صادق بیگ که همراه با تعدادی صاحبمنصب تورکیهای از اینهبولو از طریق باتوم به تهران عازم شد؛ سامی بیگ کونسول جدید تورکیه در مشهد که در یک سخنرانی گفت مقصد او از آمدن به ایران تحقق ایدهآل اتحاد اسلام برای آزاد کردن ملل مسلمان از تجاوزات بیگانهگان بود؛ خلیل بیگ از مامورین کمالیست که در نووامبر ١٩٢٢ به تهران آمد و به جمال بیگ یک مامور دیگر کمالیست پیوست؛ خلیل بیگ که حاکم نظامی سابق نخجوان در سال ١٩١٨ بود، در جنگ جهانی در جبههی عراق با رتبهی سرهنگی جنگیده و در ١٩١٩ توسط قوای نظامی بریتانیایی در تفلیس بازداشت شده بود؛ حسین بیگ دبیر هئیت دیپلوماتیک تورکیه که یک ملاقات خصوصی با کومیتهی حزب جمعیت احرار اسلام در تهران داشت و در این ملاقات از اتحاد تمام ملل مسلمان دفاع کرد؛ .....)
٣-در سالهای ١٩٢٢-١٩٢٣ غازی مصطفی کمال پاشا هنوز پروژههای اتحاد اسلام و اتحاد و ترقی را تعقیب میکرد. اما اینها وئرسییونهایی جدید و به واقع پروژههایی کمالیستی بودند و ادامهی پروژههای اتحاد اسلام و اتحاد و ترقی دورهی انور پاشا نهبودند. غازی مصطفی کمال پاشا به موازات این دو پروژه، سیاست ایجاد یک اتحاد بین تورکیه، ایران و افغانستان را هم دنبال میکرد. وی تاسیس این اتحاد را در نوامبر ١٩٢٢ مطرح کرد.
٣-حرکات پانتورانیسم و اتحاد اسلام در تورکستان بسیار قوی بود و عناصری مانند مانند احمد ذکی یک اوزبک و عبدالقادر یک قازاق به نمایندهگی از تورکستان و در یک ماموریت برای تبلیغات و اشاعهی پانتورانیسم و اتحاد اسلام در ایران به مشهد آمده بودند.
٤-در آن مقطع روسیهی بولشویک، بر علیه بریتانیا همسو با کمالیستها و پروژهی اتحاد اسلام او بودند. چنانچه هئیت دیپلوماتیک روسیهی بولشویک در ایران دستور داشت به تبلیغات کمالیستی در کوردستان (ایران) یاری کند تا حرکت کمالیستی در کوردستان ایران و همچنین در میان کوردهای سنّی مناطق همدان، زنجان و تارم انتشار یابد. بنا به این گزارشات، صاحبمنصبان تورکیهای در کوردستان ایران هم دارای احساسات دوستانه نسبت به روسیهی بولشویک بودند.
٥-دولت مشروطهی ایران، چه در سالهای جنگ جهانی اول و چه بعد از آن عموماً در خط و مجری سیاستهای انگلستان؛ مخالف حرکت اتحاد اسلام و جریانات و تشکیلات تورکگرا و طرفدار تورکیه، و مخالف پیشنهاد غازی مصطفی کمال پاشا برای تاسیس اتحاد بین سه دولت ایران و تورکیه و افغانستان بود و اقدامات و تدابیری را برای مقابله با این جریانات و تشکیلات تورکگرا و اتحاد اسلامی انجام میداد. اگرچه بنا به این گزارشات صدراعظم (ظاهرا قوام السلطنه) تمایلات اتحاد اسلامی داشت و فیضی بیگ نمایندهی انور پاشا به ایران را زیر چتر حمایتی خود گرفته بود.
شعبهی بومی اتحاد و ترقی و کومیتهی مخفی اتحاد اسلام در تبریز:
مهمترین قسمت این اسناد در بارهی تاسیس شعبهی بومی اتحاد و ترقی، همچنین اتحاد اسلام در تبریز است.
١-شعبهی اتحاد و ترقی: در ماه سپتامبر، در تبریز یک کومیته به اسم شعبهی
اتحاد و ترقی تاسیس شد که بعدها بسیاری از مامورین مخفی تورکیه هم در آن حضور یافتند.
٢-کومیتهی مخفی اتحاد اسلامی: در ماه اوکتوبر در تبریز یک کومیتهی مخفی برای تبلیغات اتحاد اسلام و تاسیس اتحاد بین تورکیه– ایران و افغانستان تشکیل شد. این کومیته ١٥ عضو داشت: هفت نفر تورک تورکیهای، دو روحانی بومی تورک، دو سید بومی تورک، و چهار صاحبمنصب تورک قاجاری از تبریز. دو نفر عضو تورکیهای این کومیته به بایزید و دو نفر دیگر به همدان اعزام شده بودند.
نوت مهم: این حرکات و تشکیلات تورکگرا و اتحاد و ترقی، اتحاد اسلام و ... در تبریز، به غیر از حرکات تورکگرا و تشکیلات اتحاد و ترقی و اتحاد اسلام و ... در ایران و تورکایلی در ٤-٥ سال پیش از آن در سالهای جنگ جهانی اول به دورهی انور پاشا هستند [2]. اینها دور جدید حرکات و تشکیلات اتحاد و ترقی و اتحاد اسلام پس از جنگ استقلال تورکیه بودند که اکنون به آنها طرفداران ایرانی کمالیسم هم اضافه شده بود.
فعالیتها و تشکیلات اتحاد اسلامی و طرفداری از تورکیه در دیگر مناطق ایران:
پروژهی اتحاد اسلام علاوه بر تورکهای ساکن در ایران، در میان کوردها، و فارسها مخصوصا روحانیون شیعی فارس طرفداران جدی داشت. مشهد و تهران و رشت از مراکز فعالیتها و تشکیلات اتحاد اسلامی و طرفداری از تورکیه بودند.
-کومیتهی کمالیست تهران: در سپتامبر ١٩٢٢ در تهران یک کومیتهی
کمالیست تشکیل شده بود که دارای ارتباطاتی با عراق بود.
-گروه آژیتاتور طرفدار تورک در تهران: در دسامبر ١٩٢٢ در تهران گروهی
آژیتاتور تحت هدایت آنکارا در هواداری از تورکها وجود داشت. این گروه مفکورهی
اتحاد اسلام و احساسات ضد انگلیسی را تبلیغ و به حرکت ضد انگلیسی در عراق کومک میکرد.
آنها در آغاز دو کومیتهی بین النهرین و امور تورکیه تاسیس کرده بودند که بعدا
در هم ادغام و به یک کومیته مبدل شد. این کومیته یک سیستم ارتباطاتی با عراق و
هندوستان را سازماندهی کرده بود. مقامات دولت مشروطهی ایران بر علیه بعضی از
اعضای این کومیته اقدامات و تدابیری اخذ کرده بود.
-حزب جمعیت احرار اسلام در تهران: در ماه مارس حسین بیگ
دبیر هئیت دیپلوماتیک تورکیه یک ملاقات خصوصی با کومیتهی حزب جمعیت احرار اسلام
در تهران داشت. وی در این ملاقات از اتحاد تمام ملل مسلمان دفاع کرد.
فکر آزاد در مشهد: به سردبیری میرزا احمد دهقان دارای تمایلات اتحاد اسلامی و
ضد انگلیسی بود. والی مشهد شمارههای نشریهی فکر آزاد را که دارای
مطلب ضد انگلیسی بود توقیف کرد.
ایرانی در مشهد دارای نشریات اتحاد اسلامی بودند.
-روحانیون شیعی ایرانی و عراقی در بستر مبارزات ضد انگلیسی و اتحاد اسلامی با هم ارتباطات داشتند. این دو گروه احساسات ضد بریتانیایی یکدیگر و قیام و شورش بر علیه بریتانیا را تحریک میکردند.
کانونهای ملیگرایان ایرانی:
کونفرانس در مرز قاجار – عوثمانلی در ماه سپتامبر ١٩٢٢ یک کونفرانس در
مرز قاجار – عوثمانلی با شرکت طوائف کورد به رهبری شیخ رشید پاشا و دیگر طوائف ایرانی
برای بحث همکاری بین تورکیه و ایران در ارتباط با فعالیتهای طوائف در عراق برگزار شد.
طوائف ایرانی خواستار سلاح و پول از طرف تورکیهای شدند و یک توافق حاصل گشت.
- مراکز ملیگرای مخفی در ایران: بعد از این توافق، تحت نظر مقامات
تورکیهای چند مرکز ملیگرای مخفی در ایران تشکیل شد که به طور عمده به طرفداری
از تورکیه و تبلیغات اتحاد اسلام میپرداختند. این مراکز همچنین بر علیه منافع
روسیه فعالیت میکردند.
-یک مجمع ملیگرایان ایرانی در زهاب برگزار شد که تصمیم به تماس
با نمایندهگان تورکیهای و شیخ سنوسی و حسین قادر و .. گرفت.
-انقلاب در ایران به تقلید از تورکیه: در اوایل سال ١٩٢٣، حدود ٣٠ ملیگرای ایرانی از مناطق نزدیک قصر شیرین، کرمانشاه، جادهی سلطان آباد و .... به ریاست مجتهد حسین قادر و شیخ حسن میرزا و علی عبدالغفار گرد هم آمده و با مقامات تورکیه دیدار نمودند و تصمیم گرفتند که با کوپی کردن از تورکیه (جنگ استقلال غازی مصطفی کمال پاشا؟) یک انقلاب در ایران ایجاد کنند.
نوت مئهران باهارلی
[Handwriting:] (p. 2554/1923; Меmо. b 211.; Book Copy; ????) 8075)
Very Secret.
Resume. For Inter-Departmental Committee.
Pan-lslamic and Turkish propaganda etc. in Persia.
(Brief resume of full summary prepared on 10.0.23 of
information received since October 1922).
[1.] Towards the end of 1922 and in January 1923 anti-British propaganda with regard to Iraq was carried on by a small group of agitators including malcontents recently arrived in Persia from Iraq. Objectionable literature was interchanged between Tehran and Iraq but its circulation led to no very serious consequences and there has since been no revival of agitation.
2. Turkish attempts to win over the tribes of Kurdistan have met with inconsiderable success. A few reports only on this subject have been included in the summary.
Persian apathy.
3. With regard to Persia itself the position was well stated by Jevad Pasha the Turkish General Officer Commanding on the Jazireh front, when, about the end of February, he reported to Angora that it was almost impossible to create a strong pro-Turk Nationalist movement in Persia where there was no enthusiasm for the pan-Islamic idea.
Turkish propaganda.
4. British prestige in Persia is still admittedly low and there are not wanting agitators or journalists who, with or without Bolshevik prompting, are ready to decry the English as the enemies of Islam, but purely anti-British pan-Islamic agitation has had no strength in Persia in the period under review and of new direct Turkish propaganda we have only the beginnings to record. These may be dated from the Turkish proposal of November 1922 for a Turco-Persian-Afghan Alliance. Propaganda to this end has been carried on by the new Turkish Ambassador who, early in February, delivered anti-British and pan-Islamic speeches at Resht when on his way to Tehran and was given an unofficial reception of a pan-Islamic character; also, by one of his secretaries and by the new Turkish Consul at Meshed who have been advocating a Union of Islam. In March the Turkish Ambassador is believed to have reported to Angora that Persia was willing to enter into a secret alliance. Reports of propaganda in favour of the Union of Islam also come from Central Asia where, in January and February, it was being preached in the towns of Turkestan That Turkish propaganda in these regions has not been without effect is indicated by a very recent report to the effect that in Samarkand, parents have been removing their children from the new schools, under the influence of agitation carried on by Turkish Mullahs.
5. Generally, it may be said that the information now available in scanty but sufficient to show that Pan- Islamic intrigue has not been a very vital element in Persis in the period under review.
Very Secret
For Inter-Departmental Committee.
Prepared on 10. 6. 23.
Summary of information received since October 1922 regarding
Turco-Porsian Relations.
Intrigue with regard to Iraq.
Pan-Islamic and Turkish propaganda and intrigue in Persia.
I. Proposed Turco-Persian-Afghan Alliance.
II. Turkish Officials.
III(a) Intrigue with regard to Iraq
(b) The two
Mullas deported from Iraq
IV. Pan-Islamic and Turkish propaganda in Persia.
V. Pan-Islamism in Central Asia.
VI. Turkish intrigues in Kurdistan and on the Persian border.
Section VII. Miscellaneous reports.
Proposed Turco-Persian-Afghan Alliance
(D.W.): On the 21st November 1922 the Persian Representative at Angora was asked during a special Conference at which Mustapha Kemal and the Afghan Representative were present to join an alliance between Turkey, Afghanistan and Persia on a pan-Islamic basis. The Persian Representative appears to have viewed the proposal unfavourably but referred to Teheran for instructions.
(CX/2549/1a; 21.3.): On 20.3.23. it was reported that Muhiuddin Pasha, the new Turkish Minister in Tehran had informed Angora that the Persian Government was willing to conclude a secret alliance with Afghanistan on the basis of a draft worked out in Angora.
Turkish Officials.
(I.S.; W.E.; 10.2.): The Turkish Ambassador on his arrival at Resht made very democratic speeches of a pan-Islamic and anti-British character. He arrived in Tehran on 7.2.23. and was given an unofficial reception of a pan-Islamic character attended by Turkish subjects and Persian pan-Islamists.
(1042; 15.1): On the 15th January 1923 a Colonel Sadik Bey was reported to have recently left Ineboli for Batum on his way to Tehran, accompanied by a number of officers. There appears to be doubt as to the nature of his mission to Persia. He had been described in an earlier report as head of a technical mission.
(a) Intrigue with regard to Iraq.
(See also Section VI of Summary Bolshevik Intrigue in Persia since October 1922).
On the 14th September 1922 the Russian Consul at Kermanshah reported to Teheran that ten Turkish officers, friendly to Russia, had left Kermanshah via Kurdestan for Baghdad.
(P&S.; 4585): In September 1922 the B.M.A. Tehran furnished information regarding Kemalist and Ittehad-i-Islam propagandists and intriguers in Iraq where propaganda amongst the tribes was being directed by Fethi Bey, particularly amongst the Wahabis and Sukhai and chiefly with the idea of instigating them to attack Palestine. One Haji Saiyid Hassan of Baghdad had sent letters to Tehran calling upon Musalmans to unite against the British. This information was received from a member of the Tehran Kemalist Committee. No confirmation of it has been received.
(P. G. S.; Nov. 22.): In November one Haji Mullah Gholam, known as Haji or Mollah Akhund was reported to have been sent by Haji Agha Norullah (of Ispahan) to Kerbala with letters from the Ulema of Ispahan to the Ulema of Mesopotamia. The purport of the letters was said to be hostile to British interests in Iraq.
(b) The two Mullas deported from Iraq.
((b) The two Mullas deported from Iraq.): It was shown in the previous summary that in October and November the arrival of Muhammad al Sadr and Muhammad al Khalisi expelled from (or invited to leave) Mesopotamia had stimulated anti-British feeling in Persia.
(Mes. 45; 1881.): Saiyid Muhammad Khalisi left Meshed for Teheran on 12.11.02. Before his departure he arranged with Mirza Ahmad Dahqan, editor of the 'Fikr-i-Azad for the publication of an Arabic poem. 1000 copies were printed but they were confiscated by the Governor-General. The poem referred to the sacred tombs of the relations of the Prophet being trodden under foot by non-believers and asked why the British had escaped the wrath which had blotted out the family of the Czar. The Fikr-i-Aazd of 16.11.22. published an anti-British account of an interview with S. Muhammad Khalisi.
(Int. Ret.; 3; 1.2.23.): In January a printed document is Persian over the seal of Muhammad al Khalisi was circulated in Baghdad, copies having been posted from Teheran. It reached the hands of the King against whom it brought charges of subservience to the British and of having at the instigation of ‘these enemies’ draws the sword against the leaders of the faithful and permitted the holy lands to be overrun by infidels. It declared that the Arabs would not accept the Anglo-Iraq Treaty. Sheikh Mahdi, father of Muhammad al Khalisi, was said to have forbidden the posting up of this protest in the shrine at Kadhiman but ordered its immediate despatch to Kerbala and Najat.
(Int.Ret.; 3; Bagh; 1.2.): In January 1923 His Britannic Majesty's Minister at Tehran reported the formation there by ‘Iraqis of a High Council to communicate the grievances of Iraq to the Governments and press of Europe. It was ascertained in Baghdad that the members were Shaikh Muhammad Al Khalisi, Mirza Muhammad Raza, who was despatched to Henjan for participation in the agitation of 1990. Saiyid Abul Qasim Kashi (deeply involved in the same agitation), Shaikh ‘Ali Shaikh al 'Iraqain (an agent for German propaganda during the war), Saiyid Mahdi Lahiji, all Persian subjects. The same body was doubtless responsible for a protest signed "The High Representatives of Iraq” addressed to “The High Consul of Great Britain in Iraq” accusing Britain of breach of faith and of having subjected Iraq to unbearable tyranny.
On the 24th January His Britannic Majesty's Minister reported that pamphlets protesting against the British mandate for Iraq had been sent by priests of the lower order from Iraq to Tehran and had been read out in the Medjliss where detestation of the British had been expressed. The High Council mentioned above had telegraphed violent protests to Europe but their influence was confined to a small group of agitators and could be ignored.
Pan-Islamic and Turkish propaganda in Persia.
On the 14th December 1922 the British Military Attache at Teheran reported the existence in Teheran of a group of political agitators working under the guidance of the authorities at Angora to promote sympathy for the Turks, to assist the anti-British movement in Iraq and to spread pan-Islamic and anti-British propaganda. They had formed two committees for Mesopotamian and Turkish affairs. These had amalgamated into one Committee which had an organised but not very satisfactory system of communication with revolutionary organisations in Iraq and India. The Committee had had few dealings with the Russians. Action had been taken by the Persian authorities against some members of the Committee and the results attained by the Committee had been practically negligible.
(S.I.S.; 1125/4.4.): There have since been no developments of importance and striking evidence of the non-existence of pro-Turkish or pan-Islamic zeal in Persia is available in the shape of a report dated 13.3.23. This stated that Jevad Pasha had recently reported to Angora that too much confidence should not be placed in either the Persian Government or the Nationalist elements, both being unreliable. The Grand Vizier, he stated, was a partisan of the Islamic Union and had taken under his protection Feizi Bey who had been sent to Persia by Enver Pasha as a propagandist of the Islamic Union idea. He said that it was almost impossible to create a strong pro-Turk Nationalist movement in Persia where there was no enthusiasm for the pan-Islamic idea.
(Mes D.; No.12.; 24.3.): In March it was reported that Sami Bey, the new Turkish Consul at Meshed, had stated in the presence of the Afghan Consul-general and of a number of merchants and Persian nationalists that his object in coming to Meshed was to promote the Union of Islam. It was only by union that they could hope to free themselves from the oppressions of foreigners.
(1.S.; 11; 17.3.): Hussein Bey, secretary at the Turkish Legation, attended a private meeting of the committee of the party "Jamiyat Ahrar-i Islam" on the 9th March in Tehran. He made a speech expressing the hope that all Muhammadan countries would form an alliance.
Miscellaneous reports regarding Kemalist propaganda etc.
The following items of information are reproduced here as they may possibly provide material for discussion:-
On the 5th September the Governor-General of Tabriz reported to Teheran that the Turks had organised a committee in Tabriz called "Shoba-i Ittihad Turaqui (Taraqqi)” and many Turkish secret agents had lately appeared there.
(P. Int. Sum.; 40.; 8.10.): In October it was reported that a secret committee had been formed in Tabriz for pan-Islamic propaganda and the promotion of a Turco-Persian-Afghan alliance. It had 15 members of whom seven were Turks, two local Mullahs, two Saiyids and four Persian Army officers; two of the Turks had left for Bayazid and two had gone to Hamadan.
(Int. Summ.; 46.; 19.11.22.): In November 1922 it was reported that the Russian Legation had orders to aid Kemalist propaganda in Kurdestan. Apin, the Russian Military Attache, had recently stated at a meeting with Rafael, Leader of the Armenian Democrats in Teheran, that it was hoped to spread the Kemalist movement into Persian Kurdestan and among the Sunni Kurds in the Hamadan, Zinjan and Tarum districts.
(1.S.; 47; 25.11.): In November 1922 a Kemalist agent named Khalil Bey arrived in Tehran and was working with Jemal Bey who had been in Tehran for a year as a Kemalist agent and had paid a short visit to Angora recently. Khalil Bey was described as an ex-Military Governor of Nakhechivar in 1918, who had been arrested at Tiflis in 1919 by the British Military authorities. He served as a Turkish Colonel on the Iraq front during the war.
(Mes; D.; 13; 31.3.): In March the Persian Foreign Office representative at Meshed, influenced by the Russian Consul-General, telegraphed to Tehran reporting his belief that one Ahmed Zaki, Uzbeg, and Abdul Qadir, Cossack, then possibly on their way to Afghanistan were engaged on a pan-Turanian or pan-Islamic Mission. They had recently arrived in Meshed from Turkestan and were thought to have come to Persia for a special purpose. They had stated to the police that they were representatives of the Musalmans of Turkestan. They had had confidential interviews with the Turkish and Afghan Consul-General and it was originally thought that they were about to visit Tehran.
(Mes.; I.D.; 59; 9.4.): In April two Persian soldiers in Meshed were found in possession of what were apparently pan-Islamic leaflets which they said they had received from a Commissar.
Pan-Islamism in Contral Asia.
The following reports though they relate to Turkestan are likely to be of interest to the Committee. The "Union of Islam” referred to appears to be a Kemalist conception and not a legacy from Enver Pasha.
Central Asia.
In October 1922 His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Meshed reported that a society called "The Union of Islam" was forming committees in the towns of Turkestan for pan- Islamic work. Money and recruits were being collected for the Turks and 250 men were said to have already been sent to Turkey by the Charjin Committee.
(Mes.1.D.; 38; 6.11.): In November the Union was still recruiting. Committees had been formed in practically every town in Turkestan and propagandists were preaching on its behalf everywhere.
(M.I.D.; 4S; 22.1): In January two Turkish propagandists were reported to be busy delivering speeches in Samarkand describing British atrocities in various countries and praising the Bolsheviks. They were collecting money for the Turks and for the Union of Islam. In February they were similarly engaged at Ashkabad.
Turkish intrigues in Kurdistan and on the Persian frontier.
(1011; 18.12.): On the 25th September 1922 a Conference was held on the Turco-Persian frontier between Jevad Pasha and delegates of certain Persian and Kurdish tribes to discuss Turco- Persian co-operation with regard to tribal activities against Iraq. The Persians asked for arms and money and an agreement was effected. Sheikh Reshid Pasha of the Hejla tribe was the principal Kurdish leader concerned.
(10 42; 15. 1. 23): This agreement was followed by the formation, under Turkish auspices, of a number of secret Nationalist centres in Persia engaged chiefly in pro-Turkish and pan-Islamic propaganda. This report, which has not been confirmed, stated that the new centres were also working against Russian interests and the Russian Envoy had made a complaint to the Persian Government in this connection.
(1099; 2.3.): On 19.2.23. it was reported that an assembly of Persian Nationalists had been held at Zehab, South of Sulaimani, at which it had been decided to send delegates to Surid to maintain contact with the Sheikh Senussi, Hussein Kader and Turkish representatives.
(1125; 4.4): Early in 1923 thirty Persian Nationalists, mostly from places on or near the Kasr-i-Sherin, Kermanshah, Sultanabad Road conferred under the presidency of Mujtahid Hussein Kader, Sheikh Hassan Mirza and Ali Abdul Gaffer at Sert with the Turks (and apparently the Sheikh Senussi) and decided to copy the Turks and to bring about a revolution in Persia. These meetings do not appear to have led to any important results and it now seems clear that Sheikh Senussi’s efforts in recent months to increase Turkish influence in Kurdistan and Iraq have met with little success
Miscellaneous Reports
The following miscellaneous reports may be found to be of some interest.
(Mes. D.; 42; 21.10.): Colonel Haji Mahomed Mirza Effendi who said that he had been three years a prisoner of war in India and on release had become an instructor in the Military College at Kabul visited Meshed about the middle of October 1923. He had a Turkish passport vised by the Persian and Russian Ministers at Kabul which showed his destination as Anatolia but he was said to be leaving for Russia in a few days.
(mes. D.; 49; 9.12.): When the Afghan Consul-General at Meshed called on the Chief of Police he took occasion to say that the British were the enemies of Islam, and to express admiration for M. Hakimov the Russian Consul-General. Information has just been received that Qazi Abdul Wali head of a soi-disant Indian mission in Angora is establishing communication with India through Persia.
[1] The Eastern Committee (EC) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Committee#:~:text=The%20Eastern%20Committee%20(EC)%20was,in%20function%20until%20January%201919.
[2] حزب
مجاهدان تورک (تورک موجاهيدلهر فيرقهسی) و رهبر آن تبريزلی حاجی بيگ (حاجی ميرزا
آقا بلوری)
گووهن آجودان مخصوص جمشید خان، و از نزدیکان آتاتورک: مجدالسلطنه افشار یک تورک
بسیار فداکار، فوقالعاده اصیل و دانشمند بود که خانواده و ثروت خود را در
راه تورکچولوک – تورکگرایی فدا نمود
یوسف ضیاء طالبزاده، و اقدامات او در ایجاد پایههای دولت ملی تورکایلی ١٩١٨-
علی آقا هئيت تبريزی: يک شخصيت ملی تورک
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